The below is the first of what will be a regular newsletter updating Montana citizens, workers, employers and others of the latest news from the Montana Department of Labor & Industry.
We hope you find this information interesting, informative, and a useful opportunity to learn more about the many ways the Department can assist or be of service to Montana employers and workers.
Laurie Esau
Commissioner of Labor & Industry
Are you looking to learn new skills or jumpstart your career? Free or reduced-cost rapid retraining programs may be available for you!
Job Service Montana is offering rapid retraining and upskilling programs across the state for individuals seeking accelerated training in a wide range of fields, including commercial driver's licenses (CDLs), dental/medical assistants, building inspection, and asbestos contracting.-- just to name a few.
Already, more than 100 Montanans have enrolled in rapid retraining programs through Job Service. Training is provided using funds from the federal American Rescue Plan Act. Individuals interested in learning more about the programs available and how they can benefit their careers can contact their nearest Job Service Office.
The State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES) and SIDES E-Response systems, used by employers to submit information about unemployment insurance claims, received an overhaul. With the new user-friendly upgrade, employers will be able to more easily provide more detailed information, enabling UI Claims Processing to provide faster, more accurate decisions. The upgrade will also allow users to upload supporting documentation in relevant areas, and fraud indicators will alert the user when immediate action is needed.
Review the new Separation Information E-Response Users Guide for a preview of the changes.
For questions, please contact Jennifer Bertrand, Montana's SIDES Coordinator, at or (406) 225-1138.
The Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) program helps employers off-set a portion of skills-based training costs for incumbent (existing) workers employed by Montana small business. Trainings can include certifications, apprenticeships, soft-skills and secondary education courses. Businesses must demonstrate training will increase the worker's skill-level, result in a promotion or wage gain, or expand their business market/increase business revenue, with the intent of preserving existing jobs for Montana residents.
Already, since July of last year, almost $400,000 in funding has been awarded to individuals and businesses across the state. Nearly 300 workers have received training support so far.
The deadline for employers and workers to take advantage of this round of funding is approaching in June. For more information about the IWT program, and to learn how your business and employees may benefit, contact Michelle Robinson at
An important update for employers participating in Montana's Registered Apprenticeship program: at Governor Greg Gianforte's direction, the Department has updated rules regulating the ratio of apprentices to master journeyman -- cutting red tape and expanding apprenticeship opportunities for Montana workers. For more information about the Registered Apprenticeship program and the updated rules, visit or call (406) 444-4100.
The Missoula 2022 SafetyFest will be held in-person at the Missoula Technical College, May 17th-19th and virtually, May 23rd-27th. Training is absolutely FREE and registration is now open. Click here to register.
SafetyFestMT is a collaborative effort between the Montana Department of Labor & Industry and businesses/entities across the state who donate their time to present various topics such as CPR training, OSHA training, defensive training, hazard training, and much more.
The Building Codes Program hosted the 17th Annual Building Codes Education Conference in Helena, in person. The 2022 conference was held at the Delta Marriott Colonial Hotel.