DLI issues $12.8M in UI benefits for the week of December 7 through December 11

  • — December 14 2020

The Montana Department of Labor & Industry (DLI) today announced that $12.8M in Unemployment Insurance (UI) payments were issued the week of December 7 through December 11, providing benefits to eligible Montanans. The $200 weekly Interim Pandemic Assistance (IPA) benefit, available for a four-week period ending December 19, 2020, accounted for nearly 30% of that amount.

Other payments included regular UI benefits, Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) benefits, and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits. Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) payments shown below were issued for weeks claimed and not previously approved between UI weeks ending April 4 through July 25, 2020. The UI week ending July 25, 2020, was the last full week the extra $600 was authorized under the federal CARES Act. Due to the decline in Montana’s insured unemployment rate, Extended Benefits triggered off as of UI benefit week ending November 14. EB payments shown below were issued for weeks claimed and not previously approved.


Below is a data breakdown of outgoing UI payments for the week of December 7 through December 11:

Date Payments Distributed

Regular UI Benefits

Reg UI & PEUC FPUC Payments

PUA Benefits

PUA-FPUC Payments

IPA Payments

PUA IPA Payments

PEUC Benefits

Extended Benefits

Total Payments - $






























































DLI continues to encourage anyone who believes they may be eligible for UI to file a claim online at MontanaWorks.gov, or at mtpua.mt.gov for those that fall under the PUA eligibility guidelines. Those with technical, eligibility, or benefits questions are encouraged to view the COVID-19 resource website at dli.mt.gov/covid-19. A variety of information for both Montana workers and employers are available, in addition to resources to help claimants navigate the unemployment process.


A landing page for easy access to relevant Labor Market Information, including UI claims data, is available here: dli.mt.gov/labor-market-information.

Contact Sam Loveridge: Public Information Officer, Department of Labor and Industry
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